Sunday, February 10, 2013

Busy Toddler Fun....

The past few months Eléa has become so fun, so busy, so active, and so opinionated!  She is enjoying make believe, games of chase and hide and seek, and generally running around like a mad woman.  Her sense of humor is really developing, and she knows when she is being funny, and naughty, of course.  She is singing a lot more now, and her repertoire at the moment consists of happy birthday (see video), twinkle twinkle, and a clean up song.  She is displaying her above average imagination, as her teachers say she likes to make up her own words to the songs while singing.  

She also loves to count, though can truly only go up to five (see video)... She thinks she can make it to ten, but not quite.  Eléa has also finally begun making more animal sounds.  She now has horse, monkey, gorilla, snake, chicken, and cow (see video).  

We've really settled into our new house, and are working on planting our first vegetable garden, with Eléa's help of course.  Our good friends came over to help us move some soil, and some toddlers around the backyard!  Hopefully we'll have some vegetables to show for ourselves pretty soon!


Eléa sings happy birthday to Abuela (aka: abi) -
Eléa the cow -
Breakfast of champions -
Counting to five -

Eléa and Saskia loving their "ride"

Precious cargo

Around and around the backyard!

Papi and me

First time dressed up for new years.

Make believe house play with Abuela

Where to?

First bicycle

Fun with bubbles

Following in the Thompson footsteps, driving GWH

I like you too!!!

I'm helping, right?