Saturday, December 3, 2011

Fall in Kyoto

Eléa has been enjoying fall in Kyoto and with the arrival of grandma to the rescue (to help out with my broken arm), we have been motivated to do some sightseeing and check out the fall colors.  We have been spending lots of time with our new friends who Eléa continues to try to hug and feed.  I apologize for the brevity of the post (one handed typing is tough), but I have included tons of pictures for you to enjoy.

Eléa loves eating apples whole, and she looks pretty dang cute when she does...

Brown backpack is Luke and Eléa being blessed

Temples in fall colors

Mami as Eléa's play thing 

Temple visiting with friends

Mid impromptu hike down a mountain

Kinkakuji, the golden temple

Kyoto from the top of the mountain

Fall beauty

Making friends with the wild life

Being dressed by madame Eléa

Treacherous hike continues

More temples and fall colors

View from top of mountain
She often prefers her mouth to her hands....

Eléa's bestie!

Loving me some blueberries!

Temple trip

Make a wish....

Fall colors

Eléa loves to feed others

Trip to Ginkakuji

Friday, December 2, 2011


Cindy versus bicycle....... fractured arm

Eléa versus door...... battle wound!

Videos, cuteness, and more videos

These are ridiculously funny and cute, and capture only a fraction of the entertainer and clown within Eléa.

Eléa cracking up at Luke's performance:
More cracking up:
Eléa loves spinning in circles:
Intense love for blueberries:
Running in place:
Eléa falling asleep while eating lunch:
Drinking and sharing carrot juice:

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Konichiwa Japan

It is now six weeks since we have been in Japan, and I apologize for the limited number of pictures I have to show for it.  Eléa has been settling in well and has made many new friends and admirers... Her mother, me, has managed to make some new buddies as well, thank goodness.  After the initial crazy period of getting a handle on all the logistics in a foreign country (e.g. internet, cell phone, bank account, etc.), we have finally begun settling into a routine.  Days consist of trips to the park, indoor play areas and play dates with friends.  Eléa is a huge fan of her bike seat and bike helmet and loves to just ride around town.  She is too brave sometimes, and many of the Japanese parents are in awe of all the things she does by slide down the extremely fast concrete slide over and over by herself.  I will try to be better about taking photos, and keep everyone updated.

Eléa and her new buddy Marcus

Ball of cuteness!

Settling in to her new digs

So many new friends.  The child on the left, is her new besty, Shion.

Japanese style....

Fun at the park.

Loving outside

Eléa at the Imperial Palace

Eléa's preferred seat!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Aloha: Hawaiian Adventure 2011

Eléa surprised us all and was such a super traveller.  She did the nine hour flight to hawaii with no tears and not too much tearing down the aisle.  Thank goodness for the extra hands of abuelita and abuelito.  Hawaii was amazing.  The sun, the water, the amazing house we stayed in.  Eléa loved the beach and bravely ran into the waves, much to her parents chagrin... She also loved the house and particularly the wrap around deck where she spent hours running back and forth, playing with her box, a chair and her baby.  It was great to have so many extra hands, allowing Luke and I to even make it out on a short hike.  Not that Eléa didn't thrive on so much attention.  She loves her tia and abuelitos and grew more and more attached.  We had a blast and are so grateful to abuelito and abuelita for taking us on this trip.  

Traveller galore!

Papi and me ocean time....

Mami and me beach time...

the gardens of the house.... really!

the view from the house, and our bedroom.... really!

the nuclear family

snoozing on the sand


what? it's bright in paradise!

abuelita made me.....!

the queen's throne


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Eléa had a blast in Houston with her abuelitos.  Her top favorite activities included mornings at the park, playing with dirt on the balcony, eating corn, climbing and swimming.  She continues to be super friendly, smiling and flirting with all.  Eléa has become a master communicator and her pointing and dragging us by the hand tells us everything we need to know.  Though she is talking up a storm and clearly understanding both English and Spanish, we have yet to decipher a clear first word. 

more splash pad fun!

first slide experience with abuelita...

Mami and me pool time.

I do love my food! Can you tell?

Too cute!

Yummy, yummy corn!

Cbildren's museum fun...
Hey, that's MY corn!