This month has been busy. Eléa continues to grow bigger (aka: fatter) and cuter (aka: cuter!). She weighed in at 22 1/2 pounds at her nine month check up (95th percentile) and measured 28 inches long (75th percentile). Eléa is eating more textured foods now and her new favorite is kale cherrios (check out the video). There is also great video of Eléa's new favorite activity, brushing her teeth.
I had to leave Eléa for a 3 1/2 days for a prison visit and Uncle Seren and Tia Ariane were superstars in helping Luke out. Eléa enjoyed her time with Uncle Seren and was especially impressed with his many gadgets. Eléa has put in a request that Mami buy an Ipad. Tia Ariane also taught Eléa some new tricks (check out the picture below).
Cute as can be... |
Checking out the bagpiper in the park. |
Mommy and me time. |
Tia teaches Eléa new tricks. |
Eléa plays the stocks! |
Uncle time! |
Uncle Seren performs his duties well! |
More uncle time! |
Eating like an old man/woman
Brushing teeth
Sell, Elea! Sell! Put your money in futures!