A century after Nigeria was created as a British protectorate, Cindy, Luke, and Eléa find themselves enjoying the cooler days of the Texas winter. Elea continues to grow larger, except when she eats magic blueberry pie, in which case she rapidly shrinks. (Fortunately she always has the antidote at hand, which appears to be the exact same blueberry pie that made her shrink in the first place.) Luke has been shrinking slightly, due to slouching and vertical pressure on his spinal column.
Below are some photographs that will give the attentive reader an idea of what activities we have engaged in during the past ten weeks.
Sitting in front of an evergreen tree with kin
Celebrating the Neolithic Revolution and the advent of wide-scale animal husbandry...........by default: we couldn't catch the neighborhood squirrels—too fast—so we opted for a trip to the supermarket instead.
acquainting ourselves with girl's best friend

Learning to express our emotions in a healthy and constructive way.
Socializing with other small people

Exploring our Russian heritage.
Engaging in the great American pastime of running without getting anywhere.

Going to Mayfield Park
Ascending Enchanted Rock with los abuelos, Tia, Mami, and Papi.
Raking leaves

Our trip to San Antonio
with advent calendar