It is amazing how much Eléa has changed even in the past few months....
She sings along, in her own way (see video), to songs.
She dances and does the hand gestures to her favorite Japanese and English songs (see videos).
She likes to play make believe, hide and seek, and chase.
She can hang on bars and swing (holding her own 30+ pounds).
Her new favorite books are Rapunzel (she pretends to call up to Rapunzel, climb the tower and wander blind through the woods), Hansel and Gretel (she is good at dropping pebbles and bread crumbs), and Rumplestilsken (where she likes to remind us how angry Rumplestilskin is that they found out his name).
She still loves swimming and all activities water related.
It has also been very hot here in Kyoto, but Eléa is showing her Texas and more tropical roots and does not seem to mind in the least. We had a great birthday party at the park for Eléa and all her buddies. Abuelitos made sure there was a piñata to destroy and, as her usual, Eléa refused to eat her cake and opted for her favorite tofu dish. We are not sure how aware she was that it was her birthday, but she did LOVE the singing and could put two fingers up to her cheeks when asked how old she was......
We know it is a bit late, but a few days after turning two Eléa also said her first intelligible word, "bye bye". I am trying to not read to much into the significance that she is asserting her independence before even saying Mami or Papi........ but, though loving to hear her talking, it made me nervous for the future teenage years.
Eléa has also begun to get a bit shy(ish)....though I really just think she is being funny. But when you ask her to say hello to someone, she now may giggle and run to our legs, peaking out with an incredible smile. She definitely knows when and how to be cute. We took a trip with some friends to Lake Biwa, which was really nice though simultaneously made us super nervous for the long plane trips to come. Eléa likes to stand, jump and move around a lot........ though I have managed to get her hooked on two episodes of Dora la Exploradora for the airplane ride home.....
Awesome videos:
Dancing along to a Japanese children's song -
More dancing -
Eléa's take on singing -
She just learned how to blow out candles -
First word -
Morning bedhead |
Birthday girl and her cake! |
Party.....!!! |
Crowds at Gion Matsuri festival we braved. |
Eléa and her bestie out on the town |
More Gion Matsuri |
Piñata loot |
It's my birthday, and I like presents! |
Baby gets around |
Piñata time |
Serious play at the lake |
Taking baby to the park |
When in Rome...... It is customary to wear traditional Japanese clothes at the Gion Matsuri festival. |
Fun at the park! |
Eléa learns to swing! |