Saturday, December 3, 2011

Fall in Kyoto

Eléa has been enjoying fall in Kyoto and with the arrival of grandma to the rescue (to help out with my broken arm), we have been motivated to do some sightseeing and check out the fall colors.  We have been spending lots of time with our new friends who Eléa continues to try to hug and feed.  I apologize for the brevity of the post (one handed typing is tough), but I have included tons of pictures for you to enjoy.

Eléa loves eating apples whole, and she looks pretty dang cute when she does...

Brown backpack is Luke and Eléa being blessed

Temples in fall colors

Mami as Eléa's play thing 

Temple visiting with friends

Mid impromptu hike down a mountain

Kinkakuji, the golden temple

Kyoto from the top of the mountain

Fall beauty

Making friends with the wild life

Being dressed by madame Eléa

Treacherous hike continues

More temples and fall colors

View from top of mountain
She often prefers her mouth to her hands....

Eléa's bestie!

Loving me some blueberries!

Temple trip

Make a wish....

Fall colors

Eléa loves to feed others

Trip to Ginkakuji

Friday, December 2, 2011


Cindy versus bicycle....... fractured arm

Eléa versus door...... battle wound!

Videos, cuteness, and more videos

These are ridiculously funny and cute, and capture only a fraction of the entertainer and clown within Eléa.

Eléa cracking up at Luke's performance:
More cracking up:
Eléa loves spinning in circles:
Intense love for blueberries:
Running in place:
Eléa falling asleep while eating lunch:
Drinking and sharing carrot juice: