Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A month of smiles, new firsts and travels!

We apologize sincerely for our tardiness in putting up new pictures and information about Eléa.  Things have been busy for us and for Eléa.  She has started to laugh (which is amazing to hear!) and is so close to being able to roll.  She gets three-fourths of the way over, but her pesky right arm is in the way.  Eléa also went on her first plane trip and handled it like a pro.  We dressed her in her finest clothes so maybe people on the plane would be distracted by her cuteness and not so mad about the crying, but there was no real crying..... Fingers crossed for Christmas travel.

She has visited her homeland of Texas and it appears that her extreme hatred for the car seat has somewhat diminished.  Eléa had a great time visiting Luke's parents (aka: grandma and grandpa) in Austin and displayed her stellar taste as she tried to lick Kaanchan's Amy's icecream cone.  She also had some quality time with my parents (aka: abuelo and abuela) in Houston and participated in her first Thanksgiving meal.

Here are pictures from the month.... Sorry for the overwhelming number!

Eléa's Venezuelan Dress!

The monster ate our daughter!

The nuclear family

These are overalls that Luke were when he was a baby!  You can't tell so clearly from the picture, but they are covered with owls and are super cute.

She's getting stronger everyday...

Luke practicing his lecture in front of a 'captive' audience...

Eléa has perfected this old man face (she looks like she's missing her dentures).  We know it is really because she is teething, but we can't help but laugh everytime she does it.
So cute!
Quality time with abuela!

Our friend Al with his daughter, Helena.  Eléa made many new friends in Texas!

Eléa's favorite chew toy (my hand)!

First hike....

Kaanchan and Eléa reunion 2010...

just cute....

Eléa's first taste of American suburbia...

Thanksgiving something, or is it a reindeer?

Tia and Eléa's matching outfits!

Monday, November 1, 2010

In her own way....

Eléa loves to read, in her own way of course.  Check out these videos of us reading some of Eléa's favorite books.

